After countless hours of problem-solving, drafting, and test runs, the robotics team was ready to see the capacity of their work. Working within the parameters of the robots size proved difficult when a Robot Inspector let them pass with their ball loader arms just under the length limit. Technical difficulties also appeared with their RoboRio, impacting their performance in a few of their twelve matches throughout the two day competition. After competing in Mason, team 5676 did what they could to finish 32nd.

With one competition under their belt and a week to make adjustments, the Robo-Hornets were ready to take on Howell’s fierce competitors. A new method to load the ball into the robot improved team 5676’s time, allowing them to defeat the tower and more obstacles than in the past week. Alliance team leaders met with the Robo-Hornet’s leaders to discuss the game strategy before every match, working with one another’s strengths and weaknesses; landing them 7 wins and 5 losses.
By the end of the competition, the Hillsdale Robotics team was ranked 18th overall, and ready to be an alliance for the teams moving on to semi-finals. Unfortunately, the new kid on the block always gets picked last for kickball; with this being their second year, they were the new kid and did not get picked for an alliance. The Robo-Hornet’s bot stayed for the final rounds as a backup in case one of the competing alliance’s bot were to break down during a match. With a taste of success and a sense of being able to create their own future, team 5676 is hungry for their 3rd season.